10th Anniversary Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference



Pfotenhauerstraße 108 01307 Dresden Germany
Pavel Tomancak, Jan Peychl

Light sheet microscopy has emerged in the last 15 years as a powerful tool to interrogate living biological systems with unprecedented imaging speeds for as long as it takes. Large, fixed, cleared or expanded biological samples can be imaged with high resolution in a fraction of time compared to conventional microscopy approaches. When combined, the spatial coverage and temporal resolution leads to in toto recording of complex biological phenomena.

Light sheets opened entirely new windows into the inner workings of cells and organisms and re-invigorated several research fields including developmental and cell biology, physiology, neurobiology and biodiversity research. This conference marks the 10th Anniversary of Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) meetings that started in 2009 in Dresden. It will bring together the technology developers and users of light sheets, showcase the latest light sheet set-ups and how to best deploy them for the benefit of the biological research community.

A unique feature of the conference is that it immediately follows the 3rd EMBO practical course on light sheet microscopy held in Dresden between August 2nd and 11th 2018. This course teaches light sheet microscopy to the next generation of scientists who will present the results of their light sheet experiments at the conference. Additionally, a full range of commercial light sheet microscopy hardware used at the course will be demonstrated at the conference.

Sandy Schneider & Christina Kuß