Introduction to Image Analysis with ImageJ/Fiji




Registration deadline: 16 April 2020

Course aim:

Introduces novice users to basic concepts and techniques in quantitative image analysis.  Major topics covered include the basics of filtering and segmenting images along with techniques to extract useful measures from bio image data. Participants will learn how to use the Fiji software package and perform realistic bio-image analysis through numerous exercises and interactive hands-on sessions


The following concepts will be introduced with many ImageJ/Fiji hands-on-sessions and exercises along the way:

  • Basic concepts: image characteristics, visualization, regions of interest and measurements
  • Segmentation 1: preprocessing, thresholding, mask/region analysis and spot detection
  • Segmentation 2: image filters such as erosion/dilation, distance maps and the watershed algorithm
  • Visualization, exploration and segmentation in 3D images
  • Stitching of tiled images and image registration
  • Time sequence analysis and object tracking in time sequences
  • Good practices for performing repeatable analysis as well as tips and tricks for bioimage analysis

The number of participants is limited to 20.  The course is open for DIPP PhD students and CBG Postdocs.

We will inform you after 17 April 2020 whether a slot in the programming course could be assigned to you!

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