Data Analysis and Visualization with R




Registration deadline: 16 April 2020

Course aim: Research in the field of biology now often involves the acquisition of large datasets.  In order to get the most out of such large and complex datasets it is useful to know how to efficiently structure such data and the methods available to manipulate and visualize large datasets.  This course is aimed at those with limited or no programming experience and aims to teach participants the basics of data analysis and visualization using the R statistical programming language.

Learning Outcomes: This course will enable students to get started with data analysis using R. Topics covered include, importing data into R, formatting data for easy further analysis, manipulating tabular data and performing basic calculations, creating publication quality figures, and creating complete data analysis reports.

The number of participants is limited to 20.  The course is open for DIPP PhD students and CBG Postdocs.

We will inform you after 17 April 2020 whether a slot in the programming course could be assigned to you!




R course 2020
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