We are happy to announce that the influenza vaccination (four-fold vaccination, Influvac® Tetra 2021/2022) will be offered again for MPI-CBG staff (the MPI-CBG is covering the costs for the vaccination).
The vaccination will take place on the following days:
Please remember that only those who have signed a vaccination agreement can be vaccinated! This agreement can be downloaded from this site (see materials below) and will be sent with the invitation email. Bringing a vaccination card ("Impfausweis") is strongly recommended, but not compulsory!
Please register only once by filling in the registration form by September 30th, 2021: https://indico.mpi-cbg.de/event/280/registrations/
In case of illness please let us know immediately so that other interested people get a chance for the vaccination.
The approved participants will be notified by us.
Thank you very much.