Image analysis course




Pfotenhauerstr. 108

This course is aimed at beginners willing to get started with Image Analysis or to improve their basic knowledge.

The following concepts will be introduced with many ImageJ/Fiji hands-on-sessions and exercises along the way:

  • Basic concepts: image characteristics, visualisation, regions of interest and measurements
  • Segmentation 1: thresholding, mask/region analysis, spot detection and skeletonisation
  • Segmentation 2: image filters such as erosion/dilation, distance maps and the watershed algorithm
  • Visualize and explore 3D images
  • Spot detection and segmentation in 3D datasets
  • Measurements in time sequences
  • Tracking basics

The course will be held on November 30th, December 1st and 2nd from 9:00 to 14:00 each day, in Seminar room 4.

If you are interested, follow the link to the registration form in the left menu.

In accordance with the new MPI-CBG course recharge policy note that the course will cost 150 Euros for MPI-CBG staff (300 euros otherwise).  Please verify that this is O.K. with your group or service leader.

Example data
Image Analysis course registration Form
Evaluation Template