Good Scientific Practice - Protecting Scientific Integrity (for Postdocs)

Galleria 2nd floor (MPI-CBG)

Galleria 2nd floor


Pfotenhauerstr. 108

Course aim: The workshop „Good Scientific Practice - Protecting Scientific Integrity“ aims at raising awareness on responsible conduct of research and research integrity. It will introduce the basic rules and values of science, and the relevant regulations and guidelines behind it. Participants will discuss the different forms of and degrees of misconduct, ranging from honest error to misconduct, or fraud. The importance of scientific integrity and what to do in cases of non-compliance with norms will also be discussed.

This workshop is for Postdocs. It is the second part of the GPS training at MPI-CBG and builds on the "RDM introduction for Newcomers".

GSP for postdocs - November 2023
Registration Form
  • Anke Liebert
  • Athanasios Papangelis
  • Barbara Szewczyk
  • Daniele Rossetto
  • Katelyn Cook
  • Kathrin Schmeisser
  • Kiran Suresh Kumar
  • Maxim Scheremetjew
  • Michael Bugiel
  • Radim Zidek
  • Simon Grosse-Holz