Use this etherpad to note links to paper/presentations/blogs that you would like to show. See you on Nov 2, SR2, CSBD, Dresden! Marc Bickle: "Dropout as a Bayesian Approximation: Representing Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning", Gal and Ghahramani -> follow up paper: "What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?", Gal and Kendall - consensus: input data to networks has uncertainties and the trained model has an uncertainty (e.g. of classification) - discussion about whether to use drop-out based techniques to estimate model uncertainty or ensemble techniques (i.e. train multiple models and use this to estimate) - to illustrate ensemble methods for uncertainty estimation, see "On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks" at - Coleman: how to handle the case where I train a model to classify digits (like MNIST) and someone gives me the image of a cat? What is "openmax"? - "Walter" (please correct if wrong): explains it and showed an jupyter notebook implementation; potentially based on this paper (please correct if wrong) - Walter suggests to use - Uwe: use ensemble methods (difference between models is simply the random values of the initial weights) works, for details Uwe Schmidt: - [ICCV 2017 Open Access Repository]( - [Turning Corners Into Cameras: Principles and Methods]( - [Photographic Image Synthesis With Cascaded Refinement Networks](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Chen_Photographic_Image_Synthesis_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Mask R-CNN](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/He_Mask_R-CNN_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Active Decision Boundary Annotation With Deep Generative Models](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Huijser_Active_Decision_Boundary_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Marcos_Rotation_Equivariant_Vector_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Learned Watershed: End-To-End Learning of Seeded Segmentation](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Wolf_Learned_Watershed_End-To-End_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [GANs for Biological Image Synthesis](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Osokin_GANs_for_Biological_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Unpaired Image-To-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Zhu_Unpaired_Image-To-Image_Translation_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf) - [Multi-Stage Multi-Recursive-Input Fully Convolutional Networks for Neuronal Boundary Detection](file:///Users/uwe/Documents/Research/MPI/talks/2017-11-02%20deep%20club/papers/Shen_Multi-Stage_Multi-Recursive-Input_Fully_ICCV_2017_paper.pdf)