CBG Postdoc Retreat 2018

Palace Brunow, Poland

Palace Brunow, Poland

Brunów 27, 59-600 Lwówek Śląski, Poland

It's time for the 2018 MPI-CBG Postdoc Retreat!

This year, we are headed to Palac Brunów in Poland.

It will be an exciting three day event featuring talks from postdocs and external speakers, career advice and plenty of time for fun.


Departure from MPI-CBG:      7:30 Monday, June 11

Return to MPI-CBG:              16:00 Wednesday, June 13


Important Dates

Deadline for Registration: March 19, 2018 (extended)


Organizers: Keisuke Ishihara, Anneline Pinson, Barbara Stepien, Edlyn Wu

Contact: postdocretreat@mpi-cbg.de