Introduction to HPC
Wednesday, 24 January 2018 -
Monday, 22 January 2018
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
09:30 - 09:40
Room: SR1
Terminal, File systems and the Space shuttle (breaks inbetween)
Peter Steinbach
Terminal, File systems and the Space shuttle (breaks inbetween)
Peter Steinbach
09:40 - 11:10
Room: SR1
This part will recap fundamentals of the unix shell and guide you through the process of accessing the HPC cluster, knowing your way around the file system and it's basic setup. We will discuss how to transfer files to and from the cluster.
Schedulers 101 (breaks and lunch inbetween)
Schedulers 101 (breaks and lunch inbetween)
11:10 - 14:00
Room: SR1
This section will train you in the mechanics of sending a job, monitoring its progress, cancelling it and inspecting the log files and results. It's contents build upon the shell basics discussed in the first section of this day. We will make a lunch break in the middle of this section.
Fundamentals of Parallel Programming (breaks inbetween)
Fundamentals of Parallel Programming (breaks inbetween)
14:00 - 17:00
Room: SR1
In this session, we dive into parallelizing a simple mathematical problem and show how to use various methods for parallelisation on the HPC cluster with python3.