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23 January 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Programme

Keynote Speaker 

To kick-start our meeting and inspire PhD students we have the fantastic, recently graduated Shradha Das from the Knust lab at MPI-CBG!! Shradha will give a vision talk about her experience in Science so far and where she plans to go next.

A few words from Shradha:

Born and raised in a little city of Bhubaneswar with about 1 billion people, I moved to the Vellore Institute of Technology in the south of India to embark on my quest to knowledge in the much hyped Biotechnology sector. I moved to Leipzig for Bachelor’s thesis and during this was enchanted by the beauty of Dresden and thus moved to Dresden to finish my Master’s and PhD at the MPI-CBG. Although I might be identified as developmental cell biologist now, I am an engineer at heart and I strongly believe that we have achieved a good understanding of a system once we have reverse engineered it.


Student Talks 

In addition to our Keynote Speaker, we invite PhD Students to give a short talk (15min + 5min Discussion) about their project. We encourage students from all stages of the PhD to apply to share their work and receive feedback from their peers.


Paper Discussion 

In the afternoon, we will split up into small groups (max 10 students) for group discussions. Our first discussion will be a paper discussion. After registration, we will put together a set of short but high impact papers for this. Participants will get to choose which paper they wish to prepare, allowing for a detailed scientific discussion between people working in the same fields. 


Group Discussion 

After the paper discussion participants will be split into groups of mixed scientific background. We will provide some topics to catalyse discussion about not only hard science but also about how our research and research visions fit into the wider context of society. When choosing the paper for the first discussion session, participants can also suggest topics for this session.


Poster Session

It's a poster session.

Posters are entirely voluntary but strongly encouraged. Flipcharts/Whiteboards will be provided for participants who prefer to give a chalktalk than present a poster.

Food and drinks will be provided!

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