General Computational Skills

Bash 101: Bash Basics for Beginners

by Andre Gohr

Seminar room ground floor (CSBD)

Seminar room ground floor



What: How to work with Bash in the terminal under Windows, Mac, Linux.

Why: Having accomplished this course, students will master simple Bash commands for working with files and folders in the terminal. They will also be prepared for courses that premise familiarity with the terminal and Bash, eg. Bash Advanced, Git 101: Git and Gitlab Basics for Beginners, or Git Advanced.

Target audience: Beginners and Newbies

Type: 4h-course led by a lecturer where students go through on-the-fly exercises on their laptops together with the lecturer.

Prerequisites: No prior knowledge with the terminal and bash is necessary, but participants must bring their own laptops, should feel comfortable working with them and have good typing skills on keyboards.

More information: Course adapted from Havard Biocore course on Bash where you will find an overview of commands and practices to be taught.

IMPRS Coordinator