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12-15 August 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

4D in vivo blood flow mapping using SPIM-µPIV in the zebrafish heart

Not scheduled


Pfotenhauerstraße 108 01307 Dresden Germany
Poster Light sheet fluorescence microscopy Neurobiology applications of light sheet microscopy


Jonathan Taylor


Light sheet microscopy is an ideal tool for precision mapping of flow fields on a microscopic scale, due to its optical similarities with particle image velocimetry, which on a macroscopic scale is a mature technique in fields such as aerospace engineering. Several challenges exist that mean it is difficult to obtain high-quality 3D velocity data in a living sample, but we will show how optical gating allows us to enhance the measurement quality dramatically, by applying statistically rigourous correlation-averaging techniques on the periodic flow within the beating heart.

We show how our approach enables high-precision mapping of blood flow throughout the heartbeat, and quantification of actual pumped volumes in the presence of flow regurgitation. We explore the repeatability of the flow across heartbeats, as well as the distinction between blood plasma flow and transport of the red blood cells themselves. Finally, we present preliminary results showing recovery of the out-of-plane velocity component, permitting full 3-dimension, 3-component velocity mapping throughout the heartbeat.

Our novel results illustrate the applicability of SPIM-μPIV as a reliable, truly non-invasive in vivo microfluidics imaging modality, with no need for micro-injection of fluorescent beads. We propose this will enable researchers to merge quantitative flow and structure information in 4D as an input and validation for computational models of heart mechanics.

Terms and Conditions Yes
Affiliation Glasgow University, UK

Primary authors

Vytautas Zickus (University of Edinburgh) Jonathan Taylor

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