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12-15 August 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Symmetric light-sheet microscope for subcellular imaging

Not scheduled


Pfotenhauerstraße 108 01307 Dresden Germany
Poster Posters


Balint Balazs (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit)


A symmetric light-sheet microscope is presented, featuring two high numerical aperture objectives arranged in 120°. Both objectives are capable of illuminating the sample with a tilted light-sheet and detecting the fluorescence signal. This configuration allows for multi-view, isotropic imaging of delicate samples where rotation is not possible, while collecting more than twice as much light as conventional, perpendicular setups. The optical properties of the microscope are characterized, and its imaging capabilities are demonstrated on Drosophila melanogaster embryos and mouse zygotes.

Affiliation European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit
Terms and Conditions Yes

Primary authors

Balint Balazs (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit) Dr Lars Hufnagel (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit)

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