This Indico installation shall not be used to organise MPI-CBG courses and events from beginning of 2024 on. Please use MPG Indico instead.
13 September 2019 to 7 October 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Registration deadline: 15 August 2019

The course is directed at (relatively) senior postdocs who will pursue group leader positions in the near future. It is meant to provide postdoctoral researchers who are looking for academic jobs with partial training and prepare them for the challenging and sometimes opaque academic job market. The entire application process will be simulated, from preparing competitive application documents to actual interview situations. You will receive feedback from a panel of group leaders on each step.

If you secure a slot, make sure that your application documents are proofread & you've received feedback from your peers and your group leader. Practice your job talk & chalk talk - this is meant to polish your skills and put you in a competitive position rather than teaching the basics.

The number of participants is limited to 6 participants (3 per day). Preference is given to senior Postdocs who are planning to apply for a group leader position.

We will inform you after 19 August 2019 whether a slot in the training could be assigned to you!

SR4 (13 Sep) / SR1 (7 Oct)
Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden


PANELISTS: Ivan Baines, RGLs

COURSE PREPARATION (further details in attached document):

1. Please send an email to André Nadler elaboration on the following questions: (1) what kind or position you will be applying for and (2) how you would estimate your chances to obtain such a position.

2. Prepare a complete set of application documents including

  • A cover letter (one page)
  • A statement detailing your scientific achievements (one page)
  • A research proposal (max three pages)
  • Your CV (max two pages) and publication list
  • A teaching statement.


Morning Session: You will be asked to give a 25 min presentation followed by 10 min discussion about your current research and scientific background.

Afternoon Session: You will be asked to give a chalk talk (30 minutes) followed by 10 min discussion/feedback about your scientific plans for the future and your overarching scientific vision.


Please consult the attached course description.



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