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Introduction to KNIME




Pfotenhauerstasse 108 01307 Dresden
Marc Bickle
This one day hands on course will introduce the use of KNIME for data analysis. KNIME is an open source software for visually interacting with data and has many powerful data analytic tools such as clustering, machine learning, dimension reduction and many more. KNIME does not require any programming knowledge since the data is handled through pipelines of nodes, each executing an operation on the data. This allows to interact with data in a much more natural way than with scripting languages and facilitates the analytical process. For programmers, KNIME allows to easily use programming languages (R, Java, Matlab, Python) within workflows to extend the functionalities of the software platform. In this introductory KNIME course, students will bring their own laptops to create workflows. We will teach how to manipulate data (read in and save data, select rows and columns), create plots, perform principal component analysis (PCA) and apply various clustering algorithms. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own data, as at the end of the day they will have the occasion to start an analysis pipeline on their own.
KNIME Course Registration
Enquiry and installation help
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