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6 May 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dan White: Application Specialist - GE Healthcare

6 May 2019, 10:10
Auditorium (MPI-CBG)



Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden


Dan White is trained as a bioinorganic chemist, molecular biologist and structural biologist. He developed his interests in computational biology and bioinformatics during several postdocs in UK, USA and Finland, and that lead him into microscopy image analysis and then also microscopy itself. He worked at MPI-CBG for 6 years in the LMF / IPF as a specialist in image analysis and live cell, SPIM, and super resolution microscopy, and developed teaching and presenting skills. Next he became an applications scientist for microscopy and image analysis with GE healthcare where he uses all his experience to help scientists get better more useful results, more easily.

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