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13-15 September 2023
Pałac Krotoszyce
Europe/Berlin timezone

It's happening!! It's time for the much-awaited MPI-CBG Postdoc Retreat!

We invite you for scientific exchange on the interface of Biology, Informatics, Chemistry and Physics with fellow postdocs from MPI-CBG and CSBD as well as invited speakers with several networking activites.

This year’s retreat will take place from September 13-15 at the beautiful Spa Hotel, Palac Krotoszyce, Poland. It will be an exciting three day event featuring extensive workshops on scientific leadership and illustration... as well as team building activities and fun!



Sašo Kočevar, Annika Lübbert (hfp consulting);

Thomas Splettstößer (SciStyle)

Deadline for Registration : 

22 August 2023


Ina Hollerer, Swantje Lenz, Cassandra Visconti, Deniz Conkar, Hari Raj Singh



Pałac Krotoszyce
Hotel Schloss Kroitsch Piastowska 7, Parkowa 3, 59-223 Krotoszyce, Poland
Registration for this event is currently open.
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