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7 March 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific programme

Keynote Addresses (hybrid*)

1. Prof. Dr. Stephan Grill, Director and Research Group Leader at the MPI-CBG, Dresden

Prof. Grill's research in the field of cellular biophysics has attracted both experimentalists and scientists from theoretical fields. Previously in BIOTEC and currently in CBG, the Grill lab is also known for using multiple model organisms such as worms and quails to explore and understand physical principles of biological systems. His talk will focus on what interests a physicist about the biological systems and how he tries to bridge the two fields together. 

2. Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Ludwig, Head of clinical islet transplantation department, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden

Dresden University Hospital is the only centre in Germany that offers a complete range of the clinically available methods and technologies for diabetes therapy; Prof. Ludwig, a medical doctor herself, specialises in islet transplantation. Her lab is focused on developing novel therapeutic options for Type 1 Diabetes. She will give an overview of the challenges of "bench-to-bedside" approach and how she juggles between patients and policies.


Speed Reading Workshop (virtual)

Friedrich Hasse, speed reading trainer (

Do you feel like you don’t have the time to read and spend hours staring at the same paper? And when you read a scientific article, do you constantly lose focus and do not remember really what you just read? Ever wondered if your reading is slow and hindering your progress? Well maybe you just need to improve your reading method!

Friedrich Hasse will introduce "Reading Technique" to read faster, at the same time more focused and with a higher understanding of the text. In this lecture, he will introduce:

  • Three typical reading errors in well-educated adults
  • Read faster and understand better – how does that work?
  • Flexible reading strategies for different texts and situations
  • Greater concentration and motivation when reading
  • Tips for reading scientific texts

This workshop will provide many practical tips and enable improvements that can be implemented immediately. Friedrich Hasse has been training fast reading with Improved Reading since 2003. He has given over 500 speed-reading courses, from the Federal Chancellery to well-known research institutions including Helmholtz Center Berlin, various Max Planck and Fraunhofer institutes, graduate academies, universities, banks and corporations. You can check further details at

PS: Registration for the symposium is mandatory to attend this workshop and only the first 100 people to register can attend. 


Student Talks (hybrid*)

Students from all stages of their Ph.D. projects are invited to give a short talk (10 min + 5 min discussion) about their work. Students from all fields and topics are welcome to submit an abstract; selected speakers will be notified as soon as possible after the closing of registration. Presentations should focus on the project’s research question, method(s) used, and the scientific impact (or potential impact) of the results obtained (or which will be obtained).

Chalk Talks (hybrid*)

Ph.D. Students from all stages of the Ph.D. projects are invited to give a short chalk talk (5 min + 3 min discussion) about their work. The chalk talk can focus on the project as a whole, a particular question or technique, or any other topic within their project which the speaker would like to present. Presenters will be grouped by similar fields, so that the participants and presenters can discuss the chalk talks in more focused groups.

Poster Session (virtual)

Want to present your work in a more laid back environment? Test out a poster that you will have to present soon? Continue the discussion from your presentation or chalk talk? The poster sessions are open for all who would like to present their work. The two best posters will be awarded with exciting prizes!

Flash Talk Competition (hybrid*)

This year Biopolis Symposium brings to you the Flash Talk competition. Explain science in limited time and win exciting prizes! Do you have a question in mind that is interesting to pursue? Can you explain it in two minutes? Here is what you should include in the flash talk:

1. What is the research question (it may or may not be the topic of your PhD thesis, but it has be novel and scientific)

2. How will you address/explore this research question

3. Significance or impact of the results obtained (or which will be obtained)

Time limit: 2 min

You can use one powerpoint slide for the flash talk. 

Choose any topic, from your PhD question to climate change, participate and win exciting prizes!


*All the hybrid events will take place in MPI-CBG auditorium and simultaneously live streamed via zoom. Poster sessions will only be accessible virtually via zoom. Please note that we may change to a complete online symposium depending on covid19-related regulations in March.

Kindly note that in-person participation in MPI-CBG may be dependent on your vaccination status (2G or 2G+), subjecting to the rules by the end of February, and exact rules will be communicated to you a week before the symposium.

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